Your Curriculum Vitae is a summary of your personal details, employment history, education, training and personal interests. It is your marketing tool and the first impression to a prospective employer.
Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth:
Contact no:
Personal Profile
Brief summary of your core competencies
Key Skills
Insert attributes you feel would be beneficial to the role you're applying for
[Date] [Name & address of college]
[course awarded]
[Date] [Name & address of school]
[Exams completed]
Employment Details
Remember include relevant facts and figures, people managed, etc
[Date: from - to ] [Name of current employer & location]
Position: [enter current position]
Responsibilities: My day to day duties include: -
[Date: from - to] [name of employer & location]
Position: [enter position]
Responsibilities: My day to day duties include: -
[Date: from - to] [name of employer & location]
Position: [enter position]
Responsibilities: My day to day duties include: -
List both professional and/or personal achievements
Hobbies & Interests
List interests here
Either list 2 previous employers or state available on request